All Levels Welcomed
Calling all daughters, aunts, mothers, grandmothers and even great-grandmothers! The SWBA wants you! Our players range in age from 50 to 96, with just as broad of a range of skills/abilities – from absolute beginners to highly-skilled.

All Levels Welcomed
Calling all daughters, aunts, mothers, grandmothers and even great-grandmothers! The SWBA wants you! Our players range in age from 50 to 96, with just as broad of a range of skills/abilities – from absolute beginners to highly-skilled.
Sundays, 9:30-10:45am | Mission Valley YMCA, 5505 Friars Road, SD
As your first step, you will be asked to come to at least one rookie training session, where we can formally meet and greet you at whatever level of play you bring to the courts. Rookie Training allows players of all levels to learn the basics and more advanced skills of the 3-on-3 women’s basketball game. We customize our complimentary training program each week to meet the needs of the players present. So whether you are a beginner or have already established yourself as an advanced player in recreational basketball, we provide a learning environment to develop your skills further.
Ideally, before playing on a team in the senior women’s league, a new player is asked to attend a SWBA New Players Welcome Session. These fun and informative meetings are designed to help someone new to the courts understand the rules, policies, gain a better understanding of SWBA member benefits, and the opportunities to compete in local, state and national senior competitive level. The welcome sessions are held on either a Sunday morning or Thursday evening at the start of each session. Both current and new members are in attendance and can answer any questions you may have as a new player.
Member Pick-Up Games
As SWBA Members, Open Play Pick-up Games are held on Wednesdays and Fridays, 1:00 p.m. -2.30 p.m. at the Mission Valley YMCA. A $1 fee is collected from each player to support SWBA programs.
League Play Times
Sundays (11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) and Thursday evenings (6:00 p.m. – 8 :00 p.m.)
We help new members/players to find a team, once we get to know their level of play.
There are additional costs to playing in the league games on Sunday and/or Thursday evenings; each team pays the YMCA $320 for each 8-week session to cover the cost of certified officials and scorekeepers. There are 5-10 players on a team, so $32-$64 per player per 8-week session.
SWBA Membership Fees
SWBA Membership Fees for the upcoming 2023 Season are $40 if paid by February 1, 2023, or within 30 days of filling out the SWBA Application and Waiver (downloadable below).
Annual Membership Fees are otherwise $65, with a portion of the monies designated for our Youth Scholarship Fund to be used for young girls hoping to attend basketball camps.
Get SWBA Social
Check us out on our Facebook page or the latest YouTube video featuring our Splash team with Candace Parker!
Still have questions?
Please feel free to email Karen Blair, our volunteer membership chair, at our email: info@swba.info We look forward to hearing from you!
To get started, fill out the SWBA Waiver and Membership Form below and email it to info@swba.info (Attn: Karen Blair) OR you can bring it with you to a Rookie Training session.
NOTE: The YMCA allows us to play without joining the Y, but we do need to register with them and sign their waiver. The first time you come to the Y let them know at the desk that you are a new SWBA player. They will have you sign their waiver and you’ll be all set. It’s that easy!
To get started, fill out the SWBA Waiver and Membership Form below and email it to info@swba.info (Attn: Karen Blair) OR you can bring it with you to a Rookie Training session.
NOTE: The YMCA allows us to play without joining the Y, but we do need to register with them and sign their waiver. The first time you come to the Y let them know at the desk that you are a new SWBA player. They will have you sign their waiver and you’ll be all set. It’s that easy!